Agriculture and Rural Development

Frontieri will provide rigorous policy-oriented research on issues related to agricultural growth and productivity, rural development, climate change and its vagaries. In real terms it serves as an interface between the expertise and knowledge available at our firm on the one hand and the development needs of the development practitioners and the rural people on the other.

Managing Partner & Team Leader

Dr Belineh Legesse

Services we give Under Agricultural Development 

Rigorous Policy-oriented Research on Issues Related to Agricultural Growth and Productivity
Delivering Analytical Reports on Agriculture and Rural Development
Consulting and Advisory Roles on Agriculture and Rural Development
Social, Economic and Environmental Assessments Related to Agriculture and Rural Development
Result-Based Monitoring and Evaluation on Agriculture and Rural Development
Producing Quality Completion Reports on Different Developmental Programs

Our Recent Completed Projects

Impact Evaluation of the Nutrition Component of the Second Agricultural Growth Project (AGP2)

Situation Analysis of Agribusiness, Agro-Industry and Allied Industries in the four IAIPs, RTCs (and related ACPZs) and Gender Analysis of the Agro-Industrial Sector with Gender Action Points in Ethiopia

Impact Study for Rural Financial Intermediation Program II (RUFIP II)

Sustainable Land Management Program-SLMP II Borrowers Completion Report and Project Case Story Documentation

Sustainable Land Management Program-SLMP II Borrowers Completion Report and Project Case Story Documentation

Baseline Data collection on “Strengthen PSNP4 Institutions and Resilience (SPIR) Development Food Security Activity (DFSA)

Baseline study on the implementation of the Regional Pastoral Livelihoods Resilience Project (RPLRP)

Impacts of the COVID19 pandemics on agriculture food security in Ethiopia

Our Selected Ongoing Projects

Agricultural Labor as a Constraint for Women Farmers: Time Use, Management and Markets High Frequency Survey Data Collection


Client results

Completed Project On Agricultural development
0 +
Realized return
0 x

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Frequently Asked Questions

Frontieri will provide rigorous policy-oriented research on issues related to agricultural growth and productivity, rural development, climate change and its vagaries. In real terms it serves as an interface between the expertise and knowledge available at our firm on the one hand and the development needs of the development practitioners and the rural
people on the other.


Currently Frontieri operating in 3 different countries


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