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Policy Brief
Emotional Maturity- Emotional Intelligence
Emotional maturity means being honest about your feelings and building trust with those around you because...
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): A talk therapy
CBT is a well-established effective type of short-term therapy or treatment. It is based on the connections...
The Concepts of Food Security, Food Sovereignty, And the Right to Food
The notion of food security seeks to address the issue of food and hunger through sufficient...
strengthening formal social protection financing system in ethiopia
Ethiopia has been challenged with so many man-made and natural problems. These problems drag the country...
What has social media got to do with mental health?
With the explosion of internet and increased use of smart mobile phones, the use of social media for...
Empowering Ethiopia’s Future: How Ethiopia’s Youth Population Growth is Paving the Way for a Brighter Future
Have you ever worried that Ethiopia’s population growth is out of control? Have you been perplexed...
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