
Our Featured Publication All in One Place 

Policy Brief
Empowering Ethiopia’s Future: How Ethiopia’s Youth Population Growth is Paving the Way for a Brighter Future
Have you ever worried that Ethiopia’s population growth is out of control? Have you been perplexed...
One Health Perspective: Food as a Connection among Environmental Wellbeing, Animal Welfare, and Human Health
One Health is the ideology that human, animal, and environmental health are all interconnected. It entails...
School Survey on The General Education Sector
Ethiopia has made a remarkable progress in the education sector in the past three decades where net enrolment...
Frontier Branded as one of Africa’s Fastest Growing Companies In 2022
We are extremely proud to announce that Frontieri Consult Plc has been named as one of Africa’s...
Stagflation and the Ethiopian Economy
Stagflation and the Ethiopian Economy An economic theory maintains that there is an inverse...
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