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Policy Brief
School Survey on The General Education Sector
Ethiopia has made a remarkable progress in the education sector in the past three decades where net enrolment...
Empowering Ethiopia’s Future: How Ethiopia’s Youth Population Growth is Paving the Way for a Brighter Future
Have you ever worried that Ethiopia’s population growth is out of control? Have you been perplexed...
The Role of Financial Intermediation on Welfare Status of Rural Farm Households in Ethiopia
This paper looks at the role of improving access to financial services on rural farm households’ socio-economic...
The concepts of food security food sovereignty and the right to food
The notion of food security seeks to address the issue of food and hunger through sufficient...
Gender Parity in Education in Ethiopia
Background Education has been at the very center of Ethiopia’s development strategy in the last...
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Against Women and Girls
The socio-economic, cultural, political, and technological advancements human beings  have achieved...
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